Master Blender Lisa has been Blending Her ONE with His FIVE for 18 years. With THREE Ex Spouses, THREE Step Parents and SIX kids we are living the Blended, Not Stirred dream. Is that even a thing?
Let’s talk sending your kid or step kid off to College this Fall!
3 Things To Send With Your College Freshman - Not On Any List! Check out my video on the three things I sent with all 3 of my College Freshmen. For a more detailed list, check out the blog:
You've probably been inundated with lists out there of what to send with your College bound kid. Having sent three kids off recently, I found three key things missing from any of the dozens of lists. Three things, that I consider an absolute MUST for parent sanity when sending our youngins' off to forage on their own.
Seventeen years ago, I officially became Raylan's 3rd Wife and he my 2nd Husband. You might not have realized that society has an unwritten rule, if you’ve ever been married before your Spouse comes with a chronological distinction.
Which got me wondering, will there ever come a day when Raylan is just my Husband and me his Wife? Or will our marriage forever be viewed as less than ideal because it didn't come first?
When I birthed my Daughter 22 years ago I automatically joined the Motherhood. At the time, I mistakenly assumed that all Mom's celebrated Mother's Day, even StepMoms. It was a surprise to me when I became a StepMom that I was expected to celebrate Mother's Day twice. Once on Mother's Day with my Daughter I birthed and the following week with my kids by marriage. Yes, it's just as crazy at it sounds! My case for why Mother's Day should be a Holiday for all Moms!
Watch as I visually illustrate why EVERY Family is a Blended Family! Yes,Even Your Family!