If you happened at some point to peak over at my About Master Blender page, you know that I'm kind of what you would call an exercise nut. Not in the typical sense. I mean, I really don't like to exercise, but I have subscriptions to every women's exercise magazines you can think of. I find enjoyment in reading about others who like, perhaps even love exercise. But the true reason I call myself an exercise nut, is that I love buying and wearing not just exercise clothing, but you know clothing for the "active" person.
Hers, His and Ours. How "Fake It Till You Make It Baby" mentality leads to success in a Blended Family.
Two of my fave places are Athleta and Title Nine - both opened stores in my hometown - Nirvana! No - this isn't a sponsored post, I just kinda love wearing their clothing. I also really enjoy reading their catalogs showcasing how other customers enjoy wearing their clothing in their daily "active" lifestyle. I'm kinda wondering when sitting on the couch with your computer will be highlighted? I'm available - just sayin.
Wearing clothing for the "active" person makes me feel better about my current shape - I don't find myself thinking hateful thoughts as I look in the mirror, but rather hope. The clothes give off a vibe to others that I'm trying to transform this out shape body of mine into something better. And maybe, just maybe complete strangers won't judge me in a bad way for being out of shape - you know because "I'm trying."
You may be wondering why I'm even writing this whole embarrassing tale. Well, a number of years ago, my therapist was listening to be drone on about all my Blended Family woes when she paused for a moment - looked at me and said "Have you thought about Faking It 'Til You Make It?" Whaaat? Noticing the blank, dumbfounded look on my face she continued on. "You know faking that things are better than they really are. Sometimes just having an outlook that things are better than they are, in reality can be the catalyst to help get you to where you want to go."
Now some years later, I'm a believer in the philosophy. Not pretending that life is perfect. Instead chosing not to focus on how bad things are, but rather that they are somewhat ok. It gives off a vibe that things have the possibility of getting better, much like my exercise nut mentality. There's hope is what I'm saying here.
Sooo if life is getting to you in relation to your Blended Family - or your Traditional/Non-Traditional Family or life in general - why not give it the good old college try? The "FAKE IT 'TILL YOU MAKE IT" philosophy helped keep my eye on the positive side of the ball. Instead of getting fixated on all the things going wrong and that our family would probably be voted the most likely NOT to succeed could have become a self fulfilling prophecy. The positive outlook paved the way to a positive outcome! It's worth the try - just sayin.
Any other exercise nuts like me out there? Have you tried the "Fake It 'Till You Make It" philosophy in your life? Love to hear about in the comments.