Raylan and Lisa holding hands - 11 years and counting!
Sometimes you don't have to look very far to find out what your spouse really thinks about you. Just take a listen to the ringtone and speed dial they've selected for you. I started thinking about this minor, seemingly insignificant thing when Little Hart heard the song "Lucky to be Married to My Best Friend," and commented "Mom has this song for Dad's ringtone." At that moment, it dawned on me how significant and meaningful this small gesture on my part means, especially, some eleven years later.
Saturday Raylan and I will be celebrating our 11th Wedding Anniversary, not only did I marry my best friend back then -I'm still married to my best friend! Best Friends - Not a small feat considering the ride to get here has been full of challenges that had the potential to either tear us so far apart that we might end up wondering just what we ever saw in eachother or Thank God, I had my best friend by my side!
Lucky it was the latter for me and I'm confident that Raylan would say the same for him. I'm Raylan's number one speed dial and have the ringtone Tim McGraw's "My Best Friend." I remember when he got his new phone a couple of years ago and selected the ringtone. He sat me down and said "this is what I will hear every time you call. Listen to the words carefully - I mean them!" Ahh!
Some of my favorite lines from my ringtone, My Best Friend:
More than a lover there can never be another to make me feel the way you do.
We just get closer, fall in love all over.
Don't know where I would be, without you here with me
Stand by me, believe in me like no one ever has.
You're my best friend.
Favorite lines from his, Lucky:
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky we're in love in every way
They don't how long it takes wait for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye wish we had one more kiss.
Yes, it is a corny to a degree that I'm using a couple of ringtones to sum up our marriage. Yet on another level very indicative of just how important being each other's best friend is to both of us. It's probably ONE of the biggest differences in the longevity of our relationship not only surviving, but the fact we still enjoy being together!
We were best friends long before we ever went on one date, long before romance was ever a thought. Even through the rough patches, when the distance between us was more prevalent than closeness, our friendship always found a way to sneak in and bring us back to each other! Ultimately our marriage has developed a stronger, deeper bond with each challenge and developed a closeness better than I could have ever imagined!